October 03, 2019



Report on 2nd transnational meeting


The 2nd transnational meeting was held in Oxford on October 3, 2019 (arrival on October 2nd and departure on October 4th) at OXFORD - Hill End Centre. 

The project coordinators and administrative managers of the partner countries IT, SL, RO, UK, DE were present.

After a short greeting from the coordinator of the host country the following points were presented and discussed:

  • Evaluation of the activities carried out so far. Each partner reports about the collection of good practices in their country and about the selection of participants for the ongoing Joint Staff Event. Monitoring of expenses incurred and dissemination activities are carried out. No particular problems is detected. All activities were carried out according to the commitments made at the 1st transnational meeting. The ANPIS coordinator reports on the Interim Report presented to the National Institute through the Mobility Tool and she is committed to communicate to the partners the results of the evaluation.
  • Good practice: identifying, collecting, sending. Each partner, using the guidelines of Research sent by the Hanover University, proceeded to draw up the general reference framework which includes information on the legislation in force in every country, regarding the sport for all, the training of the operators and the reference identified networks in the different territories.  Afterwards, using the apposite scheme, they proceeded to describe the good practices. Each country then sent to the Hannover University the report on their good practices research. For the realization of the framework and the conclusions to be insert in the Good Practices Compendium, the Hannover University pointed out that more time is necessary given the heterogeneity of the data and experiences presented. It is agreed that the final version of the Good Practices Compendium will be available by February 2020.
  • Operators groups. Each country proceeded to select and send the participants to the Joint Staff Event: Slovenia has sent 8 teachers/educators from its organization; the Hanover University has 4 researchers; Romania and Italy sent respectively 6 and 12 operators working with persons with mental distress. Six operators of Growing Better Lives were present. Anpis requested that the participants of the Joint Staff Event workshops be the same ones who will participate to the sports events planned in Italy. This in order to give continuity to the work undertaken in common and to have the possibility to operate a small experiment through the activities planned in Italy (C2 mobility). The only country which showed some difficulties has been Romania because some of the operators present at the Joint Staff Event have temporary contracts. The coordinator has however committed to send at least 3 of the operators presents, and the new ones selected will carry out a preventive training to be able to fully participate to the Italian experimentation.
  • Activities to be carried out in the next 6 months. The National Anpis will proceed by the end of January 2020 to send to every partner a form containing the following information: a) location/headquarter of the event in each Region involved; b) responsible sport association, referent coordinator;  c) sport discipline chosen for the sport event in order to allow the involved partners to select persons with more suitable mental distress. The National Anpis commits to present the detailed and final programme of the events that will take place in 4 regions, in the next transnational meeting. It will also send the final report concerning what has been produced in the operators working groups and provide further insights related to Life skills in order to allow continuity to the work undertaken in the Joint Staff Event and give adequate support to the planning of the events scheduled in Italy.
  • Dissemination. The partners are committed to update the web pages of their web site related to the project and to draw up a newsletter in their own language to be sent to the mailing list available for each partner.
  • The Honorary Chairman of Anpis National intervenes to inform the partners that in 2020 will be the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Anpis association. In June a national event will be held in Puglia and all partners are invited to participate. Anpis will cover the hosting costs of the participants. Further and more detailed information will be sent to the partners.
  • Date and place of the 3rd transnational meeting. It will be held in Bucharest (Romania) on May 4-5-6, 2020 (arrival on May 4th and departure on May 6th).
Having nothing else to discuss, the 2nd transnational meeting is declared concluded.