
The broad objective of the interdepartmental research group Civic Education Agora of the University of Hanover is to let both the students enrolled in the university and external cooperators with the university gain and improve key skills for active citizenship and participation in the social and political life at all levels.

The research group is made of a total of 14 researchers and professionals dedicated to many tasks, among which: identifying and encouraging a European perspective in teaching and learning; improving civic education for migrants; promoting gender equality, cooperative and intergenerational learning. Another important focus is to motivate people, empowering them to take initiative, to use their creativity to develop civic, social, entrepreneurial skills, and to learning how to learn. The Civic Education Group Agora achieved important goals in developing innovative approaches to cooperative teaching and learning, thanks to projects in which such tools and methodologies are tested, arranged and put into practice. They gained remarkable expertise in the development of curricula, training courses and workshops for teachers and educators on a national and international level, as well as in the production of pedagogical handbooks and resources covering the topics of the projects in which the Group and the University are involved.